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Capacity Building Training for Cotton Farmers in Ethiopia
The Partner Africa Ethiopia Project implemented consecutive Training of Trainers for farmer field schools in Arbamich and Wolayita Zones over the past year in Ethiopia.

The Partner Africa Ethiopia Project implemented consecutive Training of Trainers for farmer field schools in Arbamich and Wolayita Zones over the past year in Ethiopia. The aim of the training courses is to raise farmers’ awareness of the sustainable cultivation of organic cotton and improve their skills.

The ToT training was carried out on the fields in different Woredas benefiting 11 farmer field schools, local farmers, development agents and cooperatives. The training focused on seed preparation and distribution, sowing, pest management and control, harvesting, cotton handling and production process suitable for the sustainable production of organic cotton among others.


The Partner Africa Ethiopia Project in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture Ethiopia implemented a total of 8 awareness creation workshops to improve and expand the production of quality organic cotton in the region. A total of 64 development agents, 40 experts and 500 local farmers have benefited from the capacity building training so far.